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Tag - Tehran

As high as it gets

A couple of weeks off the bike and my bum has turned to putty. It’s been hard going in recent days, especially as a good deal of the ride has been uphill. A few days back a truck driver offered to tow my bike but I wasn’t keen on that idea so he gave me a push instead. Eventually I relented and he towed Effie and I to the top of the steep incline. I was...

A bed by any other name

Sometimes the body is just so tired it doesn’t seem to matter where I bed down for the night. In the past three months I’ve slept on charpoys, in a tent, a prison, abandoned buildings, police posts, a few lovely guesthouses, the odd memorable hotel and a few establishments that are struggling to reach even a one star status. I’ve shared my space with other...

Just one bad apple…

For the most part, whatever I heard previously about Iran, has proved untrue. It’s a beautiful country with very generous and kindhearted people who’ve paid for petrol, done repairs for free, given me small donations, cups of tea, and lots of warm smiles. Between the populated areas there’s mainly desert, but each city is a green oasis with gardens, trees and lovely...